When the Site is No Longer Purely Under Construction, Part 4
A manufacturing plant was nearing completion of an expansion, and operators were conducting training on the new equipment. Because they didn’t want to actually run the equipment, it was locked out and tagged out. They had a simulation program for the control system, so they could “operate” controls and see simulated feedback. Instead of operating a motor, the signal would go into the simulator and the screen would show a motor symbol going from red to green. Great stuff!
The electrical foreman, noting that the equipment was locked out and tagged out, instructed his crews to just use the operator’s locks and tags when working on that equipment (there were still some motors and other items to connect).
Was this a brilliant time-saving move? Only if the goal is to send someone to the morgue. What would happen if the operators completed their simulation training?
Don’t work under someone else’s lock and tag. Protect yourself by using your own (multiple locks can go on a hasp).