Hint: Better wear your “skinny jeans” here!
It’s going to be a tight squeeze for anyone working on these meter sockets or service disconnects! For some people it may be impossible to fit into that space between the building to test, troubleshoot, repair or otherwise service the electrical equipment. In any case, this cramped space presents a dangerous situation if working on this equipment while it is energized.
Section 110.26(A)(1) requires a minimum working space depth of 3 ft for working on this energized electrical equipment. The space between these two buildings is barely 2 ft! Can you imagine how devasting an arc-flash incident in this small space could be? There’s nowhere to escape! You would be sandwiched between the equipment and the building and in a really dire situation if that were to happen. While we certainly cannot relocate the buildings, the electrical equipment should be relocated to an area where it can be serviced safely.