Hint: Not-so-buried PVC conduit
Section 352.10(G) permits rigid PVC conduit to be directly buried and installed underground encased in concrete. That same Section also refers us to Sec. 300.5 or Sec. 300.50 as applicable. For installations up to 1,000V, Sec. 300.5 is applicable. Table 300.5, column 3 provides the minimum cover requirements for rigid PVC conduit. The minimum permitted cover depth is 18 in. unless some other specific location or installation permits less than 18 in. Much of this PVC conduit is buried only a few inches below the grass or mulch. Some of it is not buried at all as shown in the photo. This conduit may be exposed to physical damage due to its proximity to the grass where weed trimmers and lawn mowers will be operated. Its proximity to the sidewalk also leaves it prone to being damaged by snow shovelers during the winter months. Where exposed to physical damage, Schedule 80 PVC conduit should be used to comply with Sec. 352.10(F).