Due to the nature of their jobs, electricians can be susceptible to musculoskeletal injuries. To protect young workers from the start of their careers, electrical contractors can instill best practices for material handling and installation and repair.
The Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) partnered with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to create an eTool after 30 percent of all IEC’s employee compensation claims were related to ergonomics — resulting in more than $10 million in claims over just four years. Here are some tips on how you can protect your electricians and safeguard your business from the impact of these injuries.
- Focus on heavy lifting practices. According to OSHA, heavy lifting is one of the leading causes of injury in the workplace. To safely lift heavy objects, electricians should stay in their “power zone,” which is close to the body, between mid-thigh and mid-chest height. Also, when possible, it is preferable to push, rather than pull, heavy objects and station the materials as close as possible to the work site.
- Minimize hazards during installation and repair. Electricians must often pull long runs of heavy wire, putting them at possible risk of injury if not performed correctly. To perform this task safely, electricians can consider using a mechanical wire puller, portable pulleys, or spool rollers.
- Improve the safety of prefabrication work. To save time and labor in the field, electrical contractors are increasingly turning to prefabrication. Material handling during prefabrication, however, can be physically demanding, leading to injuries. Instead, electricians can store conduit in containers or racks rather than placing it on the floor. In addition, they can use equipment like cranes or forklifts to move the materials.
By focusing on not only productivity, but also safety, electrical contractors can protect their workers from musculoskeletal injuries, allowing them to enjoy a longer career in the field. Visit the Web site to learn more ways on how you can protect your workers and improve the ergonomics of your work site.
Fischbach is a freelance writer based in Overland Park, Kan. She can be reached at [email protected].