EC&M Asks — Who Is at Risk of Electric Shock & Arc Flash Injury?

June 27, 2024
Lanny Floyd, P.E., shares a surprising answer to this commonly asked question regarding electrical safety in Episode 38.

In Episode 38 of “EC&M Asks,” a video series featuring subject matter experts (SMEs) answering reader-submitted questions regarding popular electrical topics, Lanny Floyd, P.E., discusses what type of workers are most at risk of electric shock and arc flash injury — and why this may include more people than you may think. 

EC&M Asks” is a video series that enlists the technical expertise of our brand’s subject matter experts to answer our readers’ most pressing electrical questions. Posted twice per month, these quick videos offer Q&As on topics related to various installations, applications, and troubleshooting scenarios. When our readers ask, EC&M answers. 

About the Author

Lanny Floyd, P.E.

Lanny Floyd, P.E., is a life fellow of IEEE, principal consultant for Electrical Safety Group, Inc., and adjunct professor in Advanced Safety & Engineering Management at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is also retired from DuPont. 

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