EC&M Asks — What Is Compliant Arc Flash and Electric Shock Training?

June 24, 2024
In Episode 37, SME Terry Becker, P.Eng., answers one of his most commonly received questions.

In Episode 37 of “EC&M Asks,” a video series featuring subject matter experts (SMEs) answering reader-submitted questions regarding popular electrical topics, Terry Becker, P.Eng., CESCP, IEEE Senior Member, answers a popular question he receives: What is compliant arc flash and electric shock therapy? 

EC&M Asks” is a video series that enlists the technical expertise of our brand’s subject matter experts to answer our readers’ most pressing electrical questions. Posted twice per month, these quick videos offer Q&As on topics related to various installations, applications, and troubleshooting scenarios. When our readers ask, EC&M answers. 

About the Author

Terry Becker, P.Eng

Terry Becker, P.Eng., CESCP, IEEE Senior Member is the first past vice-chair of the CSA Z462 Workplace Electrical Safety Standard Technical Committee and is currently a voting member and Clause 4.1 and Annexes working group leader. He is also a founding member and voting member on the CSA Z463 Maintenance of Electrical Systems Standard and a voting member of the IEEE 1584 Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations. Terry is also a voting member of the CAN/ULC S801 Electrical Utility Workplace Safety Standard for Utility Generation, Transmission, and Distribution. He has presented at conferences and workshops on electrical safety in Canada, the USA, Italy, India, and Australia. Terry is a Professional Engineer in the Canadian provinces of BC, AB, ON, and PEI. He is an electrical safety specialist and management consultant at TW Becker Electrical Safety Consulting, Inc. ( and can be reached at 1-587-433-3777 or by email [email protected].

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