Peter de Kievith/iStock/Thinkstock
The famous line from the movie Casablanca (“I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked....”) is funny, but electrical shock is no laughing matter. Shock, arc flash, and arc blast typically leave horrific injuries and often prove fatal.
Follow these prevention tips:
- Use test equipment rated for the Category you’re working in (typically at least CAT III).
- Connect and disconnect test equipment using only one hand. This prevents two things: an ionization trail that sets up an arc flash or blast, and an electrical shock current path across your heart.
- Follow lockout/tagout procedures diligently. And always verify de-energization, using an appropriate testing meter (not a “wiggy”). Use three-step verification: test the meter, test the “de-energized” circuit, test the meter again.
- Assume flash and blast protection PPE are required unless you confirm they aren’t, rather than assuming they aren’t required unless someone says they are. Use the appropriate PPE for the energy you may encounter.
- Disconnects are typically made for left-hand operation with the operator standing on the right side; operate accordingly.
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