Pulmonary fibrosis is a painful, frightening way to die. It is defined as a chronic condition in which the lungs harden, making gas exchange increasingly less efficient.
The good news is we know the major risk factors for this disease, and they are controllable. You may recall that recently OSHA came out with new rules for silica dust. That was precisely to protect against pulmonary fibrosis and related diseases. It is also why tools have dust collection bags and why respirators are required when working with drywall or other silica sources.
Any particulates that get deep into your lungs may cause decreased lung function, bleeding, scarring, and inflammation. Sources include wood smoke, cigarette smoke, and marijuana smoke; avoid repeated and/or prolonged exposure to these sources. Silica particulates add another complication, because in the quantities typically encountered on the job, they can form a hardened coating around the tiny air sacs of the lungs.
Many people erroneously believe vaping is safe because there are no particulates. There are also no toxicity studies; do not permit vaping in your workplace.