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NFPA Live June 22: ‘The Big Wide World of Building and Life Safety’
June 18, 2021
As part of the National Fire Protection’s 125th Anniversary Conference Series, the organization will devote an entire day—June 22— to providing a comprehensive program on building and life safety. Register and stay up to date and one step ahead in the vast topic that is safety in the built environment.
Get the information you need to more efficiently and effectively advance safety and your career.
- Key code changes: Learn directly from NFPA subject matter experts about the key changes and updates made to the new 2021 editions of two of the most important codes from NFPA: NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, and NFPA 99, Health Care Facilities Code.
- Latest industry trends: Remote inspections, 3D-printed construction, and cannabis fire safety may not be topics on your radar today—but they should be. Learn about these newly trending topics that may soon be a part of your everyday life.
- Two ways to earn CEUs: Tune in live June 22 to earn up to 5 credit hours (0.5 CEU) and earn an additional 5 credit hours on demand for a total of 10 credit hours (1.0 CEU). Or view all content on demand for a total of 10 credit hours (1.0 CEU). All programs will be available on demand for up to a year starting on the launch date.
Visit the NFPA’s website to register.
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