Many people assume that if they aren’t actually operating a crane or hoist, they are out of danger. This assumption gets some people hurt and other people killed. To avoid being in either of those categories, follow a few simple rules:
- If you don’t need to be there, don’t be there. Perhaps you are in the crew that is performing a job on a mezzanine and Fred needs to use a hoist to get the materials up there. Fred doesn’t need an audience for this. Stay out of the area during the hoist operations.
- Go around, not through. Walking through the area might save you time, but going around might save your life. This is not a “six of one, half a dozen of the other” choice.
- If you must be there, be totally there. This is not a time to check your text messages. Be alert: watch the load, the operator, and the signalman.
- Obey all warning signs and all instructions from the operator or signalman. In most cases, this means don’t cross the tape boundary. If you do cross it, don’t argue when told to go back across.
- Don’t speak or gesture to the operator.
- If others don’t need to be there, tell them so. If you are the operator or signalman, you don’t want other people in the hoist or crane area. They may pose a danger to you through distraction, and they pose a danger to themselves (see the first simple rule).
If you are the signalman:
- Be in charge. Everyone needs to understand that you are the boss during this operation. If someone challenges you (e.g., by staying in the area), stop work and escalate to a supervisor.
- Do not stand under the load.
- Focus on the job at hand. Don’t let anyone interrupt you unless they do so for safety reasons.
- Watch that load. If it shifts or there is any sign of instability, have the operator lower it. Fix the problem, then resume the operation.
If you are the operator:
- Ensure you are qualified for using this particular equipment.
- Before using the equipment, check the inspection record.
- Check all rigging. If there’s “almost” no chance something can go wrong with it, do not proceed. Proceed only when there is certainly no chance something can go wrong with it. For example, a figure-eight knot used to form a hitch has a twist in it; redo the knot.
- Check any warning devices, brakes, controls, pendant cables, etc.
- If the load shifts upon being lifted, it may be slung improperly. Lower it and have the ground crew check things out.
- Use the correct warning signal before and during each move. Many hoists and cranes automate this, some have no built-in signaling. If you are using a device with no built-in signaling, use verbal signals. For example, you can shout “Lifting!” before commencing the lifting phase.
- Don’t let people walk or stand under your load. And don’t move a load over people who are already standing somewhere. Have the signalman clear the area.
- If someone decides to ride up along with the load, do not permit this.
- If you are already moving a load and someone walks under it, keep going. Any change such as stopping could precipitate a load dump.
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