© Luis Louro | Dreamstime.com
Despite all fall prevention precautions, you could still fall. What then? The key is to prepare by following these tips:
- Ready the area. Could you land on strut or impale your leg on part of your wire spooler? Before ascending a stepladder or extension ladder, remove landing hazards.
- Soften the landing zone. Rock climbers can fall off a 15-ft boulder and remain unharmed, thanks to crash pads. If your work involves fairly low elevations, using climber crash pads can prevent nasty sprains or breaks.
- Learn how to fall. Something many people do not realize is your brain keeps moving when there’s a sudden stop of your body. This can easily cause brain trauma. Fall with your feet under you and let your legs collapse so you immediately roll upon impact.
- Learn how to arrest. Fall arrest devices, when used correctly, provide a “soft catch.” There should be a soft “J” in the arrest line. Excess slack will increase the speed of the fall and the force of the arrest.
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