Project timing can be a major safety factor for panelboard projects. Suppose you’re the plant electrical engineer and schedule a panelboard project for mid-winter. Ice and snow may cause hazardous conditions when the truck arrives with the panels. How can the installation crew(s) safely get these inside the facility?
If the installation is outdoors, mid-winter also presents the possibility of frozen ground, which also could be under snow and ice. Driving ground rods may be dangerous and difficult, if not impossible. Water intrusion is always a threat no matter what time of year. Thus, time outdoor installations per the weather forecast to avoid rain, sleet, and snow.
If the installation is indoors, find out if any building envelope penetrations will be involved. Again, weather plays a role. Could outside weather affect indoor work in other ways? For example, big metal enclosures inside and lightning outside are not a good mix. Panelboard projects don’t require perfect weather, but always plan ahead to avoid extreme conditions.