The 98MW DC/70MW AC Titan Solar 1 Project is under construction on 420 acres of land in Imperial County, Calif.

High-Profile Green Projects Power America: Titan Solar 1 Project

Aug. 18, 2020


Location: Borrego Springs, Calif.

Project Timeline: The project started on Jan. 10, 2020, and is scheduled to be completed in the fourth quarter of this year.

Number of Photovoltaic Panels: 260,848

Energy Production: 219,047MWh per year 

Solar Developer and Owner: Sunpin Energy Holdings, LLC

Prime Contractor: Triumph Construction Management 

A new solar project will soon be generating renewable energy in California between the Salton Sea and the Anza Borrego Desert State Park. The 98MW DC Titan Solar 1 Project in Borrego Springs, Calif., is Sunpin Solar’s second large utility-scale project in The Golden State.

Two years ago, the solar energy developer wrapped up the 96.75MW DC ColGreen North Shore Solar Project in Riverside County, Calif. This project has been operational since January 2019 and is interconnected to the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) in California.

For the Titan Solar 1 Project, Sunpin Solar is working with its prime contractor and subcontractors to install more than 260,000 photovoltaic panels. The project broke ground on Jan. 10, 2020, and once operational, the single-axis tracking solar project will generate enough green energy to power more than 26,900 homes each year.

“At Sunpin Solar, we care deeply about our communities and environment,” says Tom Li, CEO and president of Irvine, Calif.-based Sunpin Solar. “Titan Solar 1 is another project we will work closely with Imperial County and IID on. We are committed to providing our best expertise to build this project and more in the future.”

The project, which will create more than 400 green jobs during the peak of construction, has a greenhouse gas equivalency of offsetting more than 154,300 tons of CO2 emissions each year. The project’s annual energy production is also equivalent to 84,900 tons of coal burned, and the reduction in carbon emissions is equivalent to 182,000 acres of U.S. forests planted.

Beyond Titan Solar 1, Sunpin Solar is working on another large-scale solar project in California. The company, which was established in 2012, is also actively building and developing utility-scale photovoltaic projects in Illinois, Texas, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and Maryland. By 2022, Sunpin Solar strives to build out 1 GW of solar energy by harnessing the sun and investing in the future.

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