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New White Paper Compares Utility-Scale and Distributed Renewables

Aug. 20, 2019
Energy consulting firm shares integration strategies for high-renewable penetrations

ScottMadden, Inc., an Atlanta-based management consulting firm specializing in energy, recently released the white paper, “Shaping a Path Toward High-Renewable Penetration: A Comparison of Utility-Scale and Distributed Renewables.” This report explores the differences between utility-scale and distributed renewables and how best to integrate and effectively manage these resources to maximize benefits to customers and the grid.

Over the last decade, the proliferation of renewable generation has changed how owners and operators manage the economic and operational aspects of the grid, from planning through the delivery of energy. While there are some common benefits and challenges to integrating renewables, the firm maintains not all renewables are created equal.

“A thorough understanding of the current state is key when developing renewable energy strategies for the future,” says Paul Quinlan, clean tech manager at ScottMadden. “This white paper evaluates key differences between utility-scale and distributed renewables, explores which states currently operate with high-renewable energy penetrations, and discusses the strategies electric utilities and grid operators may pursue with the continued growth of renewables.”

To read the full report or download a PDF, visit the company’s website.

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