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All questions and answers are based on the 2023 NEC.
Q1: Guest rooms and guest suites in _____ that are provided with permanent provisions for cooking shall have branch circuits installed to meet the rules for dwelling units.
a) hotels
b) motels
c) assisted living facilities
d) all of these
Q2: Overcurrent protection shall be provided in each ungrounded circuit conductor and shall be located at the point where the conductors receive their _____ except as specified in Sec. 240.21(A) through (H).
a) power
b) supply
c) source
d) energy
Q3: When using portable receptacles for temporary wiring installations that are not part of the building or structure, employees shall be protected on construction sites by either ground-fault circuit interrupters or by a(an) _____.
a) insulated conductor program
b) double insulated conductor program
c) flexible conductor program
d) assured equipment grounding conductor program
Q4: The common grounding electrode conductor shall be sized per Sec. 250.66, based on the sum of the circular mil area of the _____ ungrounded conductor(s) of each set of conductors that supply the disconnecting means.
a) smallest
b) largest
c) color of the
d) material of the
Q5: A disconnecting means in accordance with Parts VI through VIII of Art. 230 shall be provided to _____ all ungrounded conductors of an interconnected electric power production source from the conductors of other systems.
a) coordinate
b) disconnect
c) protect
d) all of these
Q6: Where there are no adjustment or correction factors required, the feeder conductors rated between 100A and _____ supplying the entire load associated with an individual dwelling unit, Table 310.12(A) shall be permitted to be applied.
a) 150A
b) 200A
c) 300A
d) 400A
Q1: d) all of these
Section 210.17 states that guest rooms or suites in hotels, motels, and assisted living facilities “that are provided with permanent provisions for cooking shall have branch circuits installed to meet the rules for dwelling units."
Q2: b) supply
Per Sec. 240.21: "Overcurrent protection shall be provided in each ungrounded circuit conductor and shall be located at the point where the conductors receive their supply except as specified in Sec. 240.21(A) through (H)."
Q3: d) assured equipment grounding conductor program
According to Sec. 590.6(B), temporary wiring installations not part of the building or structure "shall have protection in accordance with Sec. 590.6(B)(1) or the assured equipment grounding conductor program per Sec. 590.6(B)(2)."
Q4: b) largest
Section 250.64(D)(1) specifies, "The common grounding electrode conductor shall be sized in accordance with Sec. 250.66, based on the sum of the circular mil area of the largest ungrounded conductor(s) of each set of conductors that supplies the disconnecting means."
Q5: b) disconnect
Per Sec. 705.11(D): "A disconnecting means in accordance with Parts VI through VIII of Article 230 shall be provided to disconnect all ungrounded conductors of an interconnected electric power production source from the conductors of other systems."
Q6: d) 400A
Section 310.12(B) states, "For a feeder rated 100A through 400A, the feeder conductors supplying the entire load associated with a one-family dwelling or the feeder conductors supplying the entire load associated with an individual dwelling unit in a two-family or multifamily dwelling, shall be permitted to have an ampacity not less than 83% of the feeder rating. If no adjustment or correction factors are required, Table 310.12(A) shall be permitted to be applied."
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