Q. What is the NEC definition of a metal wireway?
See the answer below.
This answer is based on the 2017 NEC.
A. As noted in Sec. 376.2 of the 2017 NEC, a metal wireway is defined as a sheet metal trough with hinged or removable covers for housing and protecting electric conductors and cable, and in which conductors are placed after the raceway has been installed.
Both metal wireways and nonmetallic wireways are often incorrectly called “troughs,” “auxiliary gutters,” “auxiliary wireways,” or “gutters” in the field. Wireways and auxiliary gutters are similar in design, but one of the main differences is in the application. A wireway is a raceway (see definition in Art. 100) while an auxiliary gutter [Art. 366] is a supplemental enclosure for wiring and isn’t considered a raceway.
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