EC&M Asks Video — NEC Sec. 110.14 General Rules and Temperature Limits
April 21, 2023
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In Episode 13 of “EC&M Asks,” a video series featuring subject matter experts (SMEs) answering reader-submitted questions regarding popular electrical topics, Randy Barnett, a journeyman electrician, inspector, author, trainer, and electrical safety expert covers audience questions about temperature limitations spelled out in NEC Sec. 110.14 along with general requirements. In addition, he also addresses confusion regarding grounding electrodes.
“EC&M Asks” is a video series that enlists the technical expertise of our brand’s subject matter experts to answer our readers’ most pressing electrical questions. Posted twice per month, these quick videos offer Q&As on topics related to various installations, applications, and troubleshooting scenarios. When our readers ask, EC&M answers.