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In Part 1, we said Chapter 5 is arranged thematically; Article 500 defines terms and concepts related to hazardous locations and provides requirements that apply to them generally. We showed the first three logical groupings (ending with Art. 540). The other logical groupings are:
- 540 – 555. Special kinds of structures in which people work or live. These are manufactured buildings and relocatable structures (545), agricultural buildings (547), and mobile homes manufactured homes, and mobile home parks (550).
- 551 – 552. Vehicles in which people temporarily work or live. These are recreational vehicles and parks (551), and park trailers (552).
- 555. Marinas and boatyards. This article has undergone extensive revision and expansion over the last few code cycles. The impetus for it is the many tragic electrocutions that have occurred not because of faulty equipment, but because of faulty installation practices. The underlying principle of this article is to keep water and electricity separate from each other so people are separated from electricity when in the water.
- 590. Temporary installations. The rules for these installations allow for the fact that each is meant for a specific purpose, after which it will be removed.
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