Many electricians, electrical engineers, and inspectors struggle with the National Electrical Code. Some find it impenetrable. People who are first confronted with a print edition of the NEC are often intimidated by its size (the 2020 loose-leaf edition is more than 900 pages long).
Some people have suggested making the NEC smaller and simpler. Although that would be nice, the safe application of electricity is a complicated subject. However, they may be on to something. What if someone grabbed your 900-page NEC and handed you back one that was only 360 pages? Would that be easier to use? If you think so, open your loose-leaf NEC to the last page of Chapter 4. It’s page 360.
The first four chapters apply to all installations, and everything beyond those either applies to special installations or is supplemental information. And if your installation doesn’t have motors, you can also tear out Arts. 430 (the largest article) and 440 to cut about another 30 pages.
The intimidation factor thus reduced, we can now turn our attention to organization and key themes. Look for those tips in Part 2, which will be presented in the next issue of MRO Insider.