Vladimir Koletic/iStock/Thinkstock
Battery-powered tools can really speed up a repair job. But not if the batteries are low (or even dead) or you don’t have the right tool for the work. Consider these tips for a better battery-powered tool experience (and faster repairs):
- Select the right tools, in the first place. For example, choose a higher voltage (e.g., get the 18V instead of the 9V), choose a premium brand (it’s made much better than the cheap wannabe brand), and choose the right tools to cover the work.
- Build charging stations. For example, you can equip a free-standing shelving unit with receptacles on each shelf; this will comfortably hold many chargers and batteries.
- Run a battery charging program. This includes marking the placed in-service date on all batteries, disposing of old batteries, having many spare batteries, tracking charging times, and tracking usage hours.
- Take spare, fully-charged batteries to the job.
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