The plant air system can’t maintain pressure, so three lines have shut down. Your team troubleshoots and finds that a 100-hp compressor motor has failed.
Your trusty distributor gets a replacement motor on a truck within minutes, and a lift truck driver is sent to your dock to wait for it. Your team goes to work disconnecting and removing the old motor. Even before you get the old motor out of the compressor room, you get a call. The replacement has arrived and will be at the compressor room soon.
Despite the tight space, your crew gets the new motor mounted, shimmed, and bolted in place in under 1 hr. You’ll schedule a laser alignment for the back shift. Two of your team members connect the load, while another one makes the motor lead connections.
Two hours after starting this high-pressure replacement project, you close the disconnect and start the motor. Unfortunately, it has a bent shaft and 2 hr of downtime.
You make a mental note that in the future, someone will always check the motor’s axial runout at the dock.