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Using Networked Lighting Controls as a Demand Control Strategy

Aug. 14, 2024
Demand response and networked lighting controls are proven to relieve pressure on the grid

The electric grid is under a lot of pressure these days. New data centers are escalating load growth, and record heat waves mean there is more electricity demand for air conditioning. Data centers are projected to comprise up to 9% of U.S. electricity generation by 2030 - more than double what they currently use, according to an Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) analysis published in May. EPRI pointed to generative artificial intelligence (AI) as a key driver of this growth, noting that a Chat-GPT query requires roughly ten times the electricity compared with a traditional Google search.

With climate change already wreaking havoc in both built and natural environments and excessive electricity demand straining reliability of the grid, it’s clear that reining in electricity consumption is urgent and essential. One proven approach is demand response – a strategy that relieves pressure on the grid, thereby helping to decrease the need for more carbon-emitting power generation. And advanced lighting technologies – specifically, networked lighting controls (NLC) - are poised to enable and expand this solution.

Demand response gives electricity end-users a significant role in managing operation of the electric grid by reducing or shifting their electricity usage during peak periods, usually accompanied by better rates or other financial incentives.

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) data show that buildings drive up to 80% of peak power demand in some regions, and lighting comprises 17% of the electric load from buildings. Combined with networked controls, LED lighting is an intriguing option for managing electricity demand.

While some manufacturing and healthcare sites have strict lighting requirements for safety, commercial spaces such as offices and retail establishments can temporarily dim the ambient light level by 10 to 20 percent with no adverse effects on occupants. If the ambient light level changes gradually over a few minutes, most occupants don’t even notice, thanks to two properties of the human eye. 

First, our eyes have such a wide dynamic range that small changes in light level are inconsequential. For instance, if you need brighter light for a particular task, you don’t need a light level 10% higher; you need it much higher – 200% or more to make a noticeable difference. Second, human pupil size changes quickly and automatically, growing or shrinking to let in more or less light, thus maintaining a perception of constant brightness. A report by the California Energy Commission provides details on how lighting controls in commercial buildings can help manage peak load at various timescales without disrupting occupants.

Maximizing the use of NLCs to drive demand response and load control solutions is also in line with a DOE vision that emphasizes the role of grid-interactive, efficient buildings to make electricity more affordable, integrate distributed energy resources, and meet varying needs of building occupants.

“Although buildings are the key driver of electricity demand, they can also be part of the solution to peak demand issues,” states the DOE’s Office of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, noting that facility operators can use NLCs to change the way a building schedules energy use to avoid high peak load costs – signaling HVAC systems to alter air conditioning by a few degrees at peak times, for example.

The ability to enable demand control strategies is among the myriad benefits of NLCs. The DesignLights Consortium (DLC) views lighting controls as a critical building decarbonization strategy, with research showing that adding NLCs to commercial LED lighting projects can boost energy savings by almost 50%. Integrating NLCs with HVAC systems can add considerably more efficiency – saving up to 20% of total building energy use when lighting controls are paired with HVAC systems to deliver occupancy signals.

The DLC’s Qualified Products List for NLCs contains 73 listings from over 40 manufacturers – all independently vetted to meet our rigorous NLC 5.1 Technical Requirements, including cybersecurity features. To learn more about NLCs and how they can contribute to demand response strategies and manage other building challenges, check out the DLC’s NLC Program page.

About the Author

Levin Nock

Levin Nock is Senior Technical Manager for the DesignLights Consortium.

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