EC&M Asks — How to Apply the 120% Rule for Interconnecting PV Systems
In Episode 36 of “EC&M Asks,” a video series featuring subject matter experts (SMEs) answering reader-submitted questions regarding popular electrical topics, Ryan Mayfield, founder and SME of Mayfield Renewables, discusses how to apply the 120% rule in the PV industry. He explains how to make a solar interconnection to a subpanel by applying this rule — and if the 120% rule applies to the subpanel only or if installers need to look upstream to the main as well.
“EC&M Asks” is a video series that enlists the technical expertise of our brand’s subject matter experts to answer our readers’ most pressing electrical questions. Posted twice per month, these quick videos offer Q&As on topics related to various installations, applications, and troubleshooting scenarios. When our readers ask, EC&M answers.