Running raceway overhead means you must be aware of what is below. In high-ceiling factories, for example, raceway is often run up against the ceiling or rafter structure and so it’s being run over whatever dangerous equipment is below.
What kinds of hazards could crop up when installing overhead raceways?
• Look for slipping hazards, which can exist due to bird or rodent droppings, process emissions, or the condensate of oil smoke.
• Slipping off a ladder or other elevated surface is bad enough, but doing that over a running scrap grinder? Or over a vat of molten aluminum? Where possible, install barriers between the work area and the equipment. Note that using scaffolding or a scissor lift automatically gives you one barrier.
• Also look into being able to lockout/tagout that equipment (something like an aluminum vat is probably not going to get the OK).
• Be aware of respiratory issues, also. The chemical concentrations may be much higher near the ceiling. What fumes, particles, or other toxins might you breathe? What PPE or ventilation will be needed?
• Finally, consider who or what will be underneath if you drop a fastener or a tool.