Lightfair 2002 Preview

May 28, 2002
Learn about lighting system performance at the industry’s main lighting show – Lightfair International. Are you going to San Francisco? Regardless of your travel plans, more than 17,000 lighting architects, engineers, designers, and end-users will be making their way to the City by the Bay June 2-5, 2002, for Lightfair International 2002 at the Moscone Center. More than just a chance to glad hand

Learn about lighting system performance at the industry’s main lighting show – Lightfair International.

Are you going to San Francisco? Regardless of your travel plans, more than 17,000 lighting architects, engineers, designers, and end-users will be making their way to the City by the Bay June 2-5, 2002, for Lightfair International 2002 at the Moscone Center.

More than just a chance to glad hand with other members of the lighting industry, Lightfair offers the new product showcase and awards presentation. The presentation kicks off the 2002 show on June 3 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. with a preview of what you can find on the exhibit floor. A panel of lighting professionals will serve as judges and present several awards, including Best New Product of the Year, the Technical Innovation Award, and the Design Excellence Award.

And if that isn’t enough to satisfy the new product hunger, attendees will have the opportunity to examine the features and benefits of numerous new or expanded product lines. For example, new electronic ballast designs (with end-of-life sensing and automatic shut off), enhanced phosphors, and modified arc tube shapes will be presented in a number of new offerings. Another across-the-board improvement is the soft starting of all three lamp types, which extends the life of the filament or cathodes within the lamp.

A lot of attention will be given to the halogen infrared reflecting lamp, which works by redirecting heat energy back to the filament through a special coating on the quartz shield surrounding the filament. This combination of halogen gas cleansing and reflective coating can nearly double the efficacy of the incandescent source, offering the potential of almost 40 lm/W. New dopants and glass material processing, such as quartz pinching technology, also enhance incandescent performance.

Upgrades in fluorescent lamps - barrier coatings, improvements in electrode design and electrode depletion and better management of mercury consumption – have produced a premium line of T8 lamp, rated a 30W, rather than the standard 32W. At the same time, new ballast designs matched with specific linear fluorescent lamps create an optimum performance system. The life of T8 linear lamps, at 3 hr per start, is also stretched to 20,000 hr, and, in some cases, even to 30,000 hr.

The T5 fluorescent lamp with an electronic ballast is ideal for sleek, pendant-mounted fixtures, which are increasingly popular in office applications. Although the lumen per watt output is no better than T8s with electronic ballasts, the compact T5 source provides better control and improved optical efficiency leading to a line of elegant fixtures for both direct and indirect lighting. T5 lamps come in two distinct lines: the high-efficiency line and the high-output line. The high-output line includes lamps that provide as much light as two regular T8 or T12 lamps, thereby reducing the number of fixtures required in a space.

Another area where lamp companies continually add new products is the compact fluorescent (CF) line. Three to five times more efficient than incandescent lamps, they are available in wide range of lumen packages, including U-tube, circle, D-shape, or 2D. Numerous improvements in manufacturing, along with better managing of ripple currents and control of preheating, are creating CF lamps with high-lumen outputs. For example, 57W (4,300 lm), 70W (5,100 lm) and 80W (6,000 lm) triple-tube CFLs can be used in high bay industrial areas, in a retail ceiling, or for outdoor general lighting.

The latest metal halide lamps use much smaller arc tubes, which provide better control of the metallic salts, resulting in higher light output, better starting characteristics, longer life, and better lamp-to-lamp color temperature control, compared to the standard MH lamp. Participants will see that this newest generation of MH lamps uses a high-voltage pulse igniter within in the ballast, rather than a third starter electrode in the arc tube. Manufacturers will be offering lighting layouts based on the new higher initial and mean lumens of these lamps.

Attendees will also be able to check out outdoor fixtures that accept vertically mounted MH lamps, which typically yield 10 % more light than horizontally mounted lamps. And with the use of a drop lens, the-pole-to-pole spacing can be increased, compared with older outdoor lighting equipment. One fixture maker offers an area luminaire for vertical-lamp-oriented, pulse-start MH lamps in six wattages, ranging from 320W to 1,000W.

New products are always the most popular part of the industry shows, but the seminars are where some of the most important information is presented. And this year’s list of topics and speakers is sure to cover the issues that members of the lighting industry want to discuss.

  • LEDs – Past, Present, and Future

    (June 3, 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.)
    Jeff McDonald, consultant, Lighting Research Office
    Dr. Nadarajah Narendran, director of research, Lighting Research Center/RPI

    As the title suggests, this seminar will examine the past 2 yr of advances in LED technology and what the industry can expect from the emerging light source in the next 2 yr.

  • Sports Lighting

    (June 3, 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
    Craig Robinson, design engineer, Arup
    John Waite, senior design engineer, Arup

    In the quest to light sporting arenas for the spectators, television audience, and advertisers, the needs of the players themselves are oftentimes overlooked. This seminar will demonstrate how to combine visual comfort, good visibility, and reliability for sporting event lighting.

  • Lamp and Ballast Update

    (June 3, 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
    Roy Sierleja, senior lighting specialist, GE Lighting
    Howard Wolfman, senior manager industry relations and standards, Osram Sylvania, Inc.

    This seminar will highlight new linear and compact lamp and ballast component technologies and illustrate new energy efficient technologies via the use of working samples. Attendees will also learn about application issues with linear and CFL ballasts and lamps.

  • A Specifier’s View of DALI

    (Digital Automated Lighting Interface) (June 4, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
    Richard Miller, vice president, Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc.

    Automated lighting is set to drive down costs and raise energy efficiency in the workplace. To that end, this seminar will discuss how to specify DALI lighting, how to design for it, and the several auxiliary components that go along with it.

  • Managing Outdoor Lighting

    (June 5, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)
    John Van Derlofske, senior research scientist and assistant research professor, Lighting Research Center, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute

    The LRC is working with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority to develop guidelines for efficient street and area lighting. This seminar will introduce these guidelines and discuss some of them as they specifically address the issues of light pollution and trespass.

  • Retail Maintenance

    (June 5, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.)
    Deborah Lisheid, director of store maintenance, Old Navy and Gap, Inc.
    Sean O’Connor, principal, O’Connor Associates
    Gary Popovics, lamp and energy manager, Capitol Light & Supply Co.
    Cynthia Turner, national account manager-retail, Philips Lighting

    This seminar will discuss different energy efficient products for use in retail and how to evaluate their benefits in a specific installation. The panel will also highlight the different needs of a flagship store vs. mall specialty retailers as they relate to energy, initial cost, and cost of maintenance.

Stay tuned to ECMweb for a full report on Lightfair 2002!

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