Mass. Electric Construction Co.'s Rhode Island Office has wrapped up work on three separate contracts at the new Wyeth Ayerst Enbrel Interim Manufacturing Facility in Greenwich, R.I. since arriving on site in December 1999.
Mass. Electric was responsible for instrumentation and control wiring to 7,500 instruments in the new manufacturing facility. Work will include installation of more than 330 miles of instrument cable, 50 control skids, 8 C.I.P. skids, instrument power panels and Cat. 5 Ethernet cables as well as the installation of the water for injection system, PLC control panels, equipment monitoring panels and the plant process controls system.
Other work at the facility includes the installation of a new 12,470V distribution system, including new medium-voltage distribution equipment, associated primary metering, feeders and transformers. A new medium-voltage, outdoor, pad-mounted, double-ended switchgear lineup will be installed close to the existing generator to feed a new 4,160V double-ended substation at the new central utilities building and re-feed the existing pad mounted service transformers. A new 4,160V feeder will be provided from the central utility building substation to a new outdoor pad-mounted transformer that will feed a new emergency power panel in the main building through an auto transfer switch. The new emergency power system consists of three new 2,500kW standby diesel generators and an existing 600 kW diesel generator and 100kVA UPS. Paralleling switchgear will be provided for the new generator lineup, which will be rated at 4,160V and provide service to the plant's new chillers. The existing Simplex fire alarm system is being expanded and will include a new CPU that can receive and process alarm calls and activate in-plant alarms and building systems.
COMPANY STATSMass. Electric Construction Co., Boston, Mass., had 2000 sales of more than $300 million. The contractor, which ranked 10th on CEE News Top 50 list, has 1,800 employees and 13 branch offices. Its top market segments are transit, rail, industrial and commercial.
PROJECT TEAMArea Manager. John Badessa
Project Engineer. Paul Perry
Assistant Project Engineer. Anthony Cardinale
Office Manager. Mary Jane Sweetland
Project Superintendent. John McElheny
Instrumentation General Foremen. Frank Rider and Ken Cote
Power Distribution General Foreman. Richard Ethier
Instrumentation Foremen. Charles Lena, Michael Santos and Lance Dusablon
Power Foremen. David Crossley and Gary Philkrantz