Ranking Electrical Disturbances ― Part 5 of 7
Ranking Electrical Disturbances ― Part 4 of 7
Ranking Electrical Disturbances — Part 3 of 7
Philip Keebler
Philip F. Keebler, MSEE has 32 years of experience in power quality (PQ) having worked for North American Philips, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Electrotek Concepts & Dranetz. His experience spans across the utility revenue meter addressing PQ problems on the grid and inside residential, commercial and industrial customer facilities. His specialty areas include grounding, disturbances, harmonics, electromagnetic interference (EMI), equipment immunity, PQ monitoring, training and standards development. He serves as a Technical Advisor to PBE Engineers, LLC focused on understanding, identifying, solving and preventing (UISP) PQ problems in the industry and fostering new interest and workforce development to attract young engineers to developing careers in PQ. He can be reached at [email protected].