PQ Newsbeat - Feb 13th, 2024
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PQ Newsbeat

Do you know an up-and-coming young electrical professional who has shown extraordinary results on the job? If so, nominate him or her for consideration as an EC&M Under 30 All-Star. The deadline is April 15.
In honor of two years of EC&M On Air, we're highlighting some of our favorite episodes. Click through the slides to read about each one (not listed in any particular order) — one of your favorites may be included, or you may discover one you haven't listened to before!
During a power quality inspection to evaluate the integrity of a critical communication UPS system, a discovery was made in one of the 125A panelboards. After evaluating the UPS installation, we proceeded to inspect all the downstream panelboards.
Don't miss the latest “Editor’s Choice: Top Product Picks” gallery, featuring the industry's latest product innovations chosen by the editors of EC&M. This gallery features new tools, LEDs, technology, and more. Click through the following six slides to see all of the latest and greatest products!
Test your knowledge of the NEC with this challenging question.
A ground fault interrupter (GFCI) protects people from shock, while an arc fault interrupter (AFCI) protects people from fires that could result from electrical arcing of wiring inside walls. Following the NEC rules will optimize protection, while noncompliance could prove fatal to occupants.

With a focus on electrical products and services, the Facilities Expo ties together all aspects of facilities engineering, MRO, and green buildings. Register for free to explore our solution packed exhibitor floor, learn from industry experts, and network!

Five must-read PQ-related articles from last year
When it comes to memorable Code revision cycles, this edition will be remembered for making the NEC an easier document to use. Here’s a look at the top 25 revisions.
In Episode 35 of EC&M Tech Talk, Electrical Trainer Randy Barnett covers seven topics to help understand some of the more confusing terms we often run into in the NEC, including Art. 100 definitions, voltage levels, cables, circuit breakers, fuses, classes of circuits, and grounding.
Most of these individuals start their electrical careers in their early 20s. Many of us can remember those times — we were able to do the physical work associated with the electrical profession and get up the next day recharged and ready to go again. But time has a way of playing cruel tricks on the human body. Those days of getting up and installing...