Before you carry a ladder to the point of work or load it onto the service truck, visually inspect it. Remove any slipping hazards such as mud on the rungs or grease on the rails. Look carefully for any cracks; if you see even one, take the ladder out of service. Also sight along each rail; if you see a bow, the ladder cannot be used.
Use a hand to test each rung, brace, and mechanical connection point. A light tug will tell you if something is loose; if so, take the ladder out of service.
Before carrying the ladder to the point of use, take a minute to eye the intended path for dangers such as tripping or slipping hazards. If carrying a ladder, you may not see these until it is too late.
When you carry a ladder to the work area, carry it with its feet pointed forward. Why would this matter? Because when you set it down, you will set the ladder on its feet. Carrying it the other way means you have to swing the ladder around (possibly in a tight space) or set it down so you can orient it “feet first." Carry it feet first, and you eliminate the maneuvering.