Code Q&A: How to Determine the Highest Rated Motor in a Group
Sept. 1, 2020
Q. When the NEC refers to the highest rated motor on a circuit with multiple motors, how is the largest motor of the group determined?
See answer below.
A. When sizing motor circuit conductors, the highest rated motor is the motor with the highest rated full-load current (FLC) rating [Sec. 430.17].
Example: Which of the following motors has the highest FLC rating?
A good method to determine the highest rated motor is to draw out the motor circuit as follows (Figure):
- 10 hp = 30.80A [Table 430.250]
- 5 hp = 30.80A [Table 430.248]
- 3 hp = 34.00A [Table 430.248]
Answer: As you can see, the 3 hp, single-phase, 120V motor has the highest FLC rating.
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