Code Q&A: Overcurrent Protection Requirements for Appliance Circuits
Q. What are the NEC branch circuit overcurrent protection requirements for appliance circuits?
See answer below.
A. (A) Branch Circuits.
Branch-circuit conductors must have overcurrent protection in accordance with Sec. 240.4, and the overcurrent protection device rating must not exceed the rating marked on the appliance [Sec. 422.11].
(E) Nonmotor Appliances.
The appliance overcurrent protection device must:
(1) Not exceed the rating marked on the appliance.
(2) Not exceed 20A if the overcurrent protection device rating isn’t marked, and the appliance is rated 13.30A or less, or
(3) Not exceed 150% of the appliance rated current if the overcurrent protection device rating isn’t marked, and the appliance is rated over 13.30A. Where 150% of the appliance rating doesn’t correspond to a standard overcurrent protection device ampere rating listed in Sec. 240.6(A), the next higher standard rating is permitted.
Example Problem: What’s the maximum size overcurrent protection device for a 4,500W, 240V water heater?
Solution: Protection Size = 4,500W ÷ 240V = 18.75A × 150% = 28A
Answer: 28A doesn’t correspond to a standard ampere rating, so use 30A which is the next size up [Sec. 240.6(A)].
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