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TIA Proposed for 2023 NEC Regarding Revision to Table 310.16

Jan. 4, 2023
TIA 1691 has a comment closing date of February 10, 2023

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recently released a proposed Tentative Interim Amendment (TIA) to the 2023 Edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC). The TIA was submitted by David Hittinger, Independent Electrical Contractors, and has a comment closing date of February 10, 2023.

TIA Log No.: 1691    

Reference:  Table 310.16

The TIA proposes revisions to Table 310.16 of the 2023 NEC. The proposed table revision can be viewed here.

Substantiation:  Changes to the location of code requirements for control conductors resulted in the omission of information required to determine the size and construction of non-power-limited conductors used in these applications. To provide clear direction to Code users, Table 310.16 is revised to direct Code users to the appropriate Code sections for control conductor sizing. In Table 310.16, 14 AWG copper-clad aluminum is added to recognize the permitted use of this conductor for control conductors. The inclusion of 14 AWG copper-clad aluminum for controls in 330.104 and 336.104 without also providing appropriate ampacity information leaves users of the code without the necessary information to make safe installations. While the addition of 240.4(D)(3) has some guidance, this is not where a user would go to find an ampacity. This language is intended to mirror the permitted uses that were in the 2020 NEC, with no technical changes. There are changes to the language to improve usability of the Code.

Emergency Nature: The standard contains an error or an omission that was overlooked during the regular revision process. The NFPA Standard contains a conflict within the NFPA Standards or within another NFPA Standard. The proposed TIA intends to correct a circumstance in which the revised NFPA Standard has resulted in an adverse impact on a product or method that was inadvertently overlooked in the total revision process or was without adequate technical (safety) justification of the action.

This information is essential to the correct sizing of non-power-limited control conductors. The misapplication due to lack of clarity of requirements can lead to installations with hazardous conditions, hence the emergency nature and the submission of this TIA.

For more information or to read the full proposed TIA, visit NFPA's website.

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