Article 520 provides the requirements for theaters, audience areas of television studios, and similar locations. A distinguishing characteristic of this article is the sheer number of definitions (21).
Stage equipment is divided into these four groups:
- Fixed stage switchboards (Part II).
- Fixed stage equipment other than switchboards (Part III).
- Portable switchboards on stage (Part IV).
- Portable (on) stage equipment other than switchboards (Part V).
See the pattern, there?
Rooms for dressing and make-up are covered by Part VI.
A single paragraph comprises Part VII Grounding. What it’s saying is you need to bond metal raceways, cable sheaths, equipment frames, and equipment enclosures to an equipment grounding conductor (EGC). The EGC is a bonding conductor, and those metal raceways should form part of the EGC system [Sec. 250.118].
If you’re wiring:
- Portable equipment, you can use approved flexible cords and cables. You cannot use uninsulated staples or nailing to fasten these [Sec. 520.5(B)].
- Fixed equipment, you must enclose any nonmetallic raceway in at least 2 in. of concrete. All raceway and cabling must include an insulated EGC sized per Table 250.122 [Sec. 520.5(A), and note the exception].
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