Hint: Duct tape dilemma
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Duct tape is supposedly good for fixing just about anything, but I don’t think that applies in this case. Someone apparently tried to use it to repair this broken electrical pipe. They obviously failed! Now we are left with a mess of broken pipes, jagged metal, and exposed live wires. This could create a lethal mix if the insulation on those wires get damaged or nicked up. This could possibly result in the broken metal raceway or the light pole becoming energized because the metal raceway can no longer function as a proper equipment grounding/bonding conductor as permitted in Sec. 250.118. The loss of the equipment grounding/bonding conductor also creates a violation of Sec. 250.4(A)(3), since there may be no effective ground-fault current path established. This could leave the exposed metal parts dangerously energized during a fault condition.
In addition, Sec. 110.12(B) states there shall not be any damaged parts that may adversely affect the safe operation of equipment. I think it is safe to say that this broken installation is in violation of that section. Duct tape is certainly not a suitable wiring method as specified in Sec. 110.8.