In most operating plants, the safety focus for maintenance people around operating equipment is placed on identifying deficiencies and protecting yourself against them. However, equipment that is in perfect working order is also dangerous.
Your first line of defense is to not be around that equipment. As obvious as this is, plant personnel often fail to implement this simple precaution. For maintenance people, a good rule of thumb when in the plant is to stay inside the designated footpaths (typically labeled with white or yellow floor markings) unless you have a specific and valid reason to go off that path. Valid reasons include responding to a trouble call, implementing a work order, and engaging in on-the-job training. Taking a shortcut to save time is not a valid reason.
To be safe when you do leave that footpath, understand how the relevant equipment and processes work, what the dangers are, and how to protect yourself and others. Don't operate equipment unless you are a qualified operator and have permission to operate the equipment at that specific time.