The primary unsafe condition you might encounter on a cable pull is familiarity. Because cable pulls seem so safe, it’s easy to let your guard down.
Beware of unsafe acts, such as standing next to the cable that’s being pulled by a powered means (rather than manual). If something comes apart and you’re not there to get hurt, you don’t get hurt.
Another unsafe act is continuing the pull when there’s excess cable lube slopped in the work area. Cable lube can easily create a slipping hazard (an unsafe condition). The reason you use a cable lube is it’s slippery. That slipperiness becomes a safety problem when enough of the lube slops onto the work area instead of going into the raceway. To decrease the danger, add only as much lube at a time as the pull can use. And clean up slopped lubricant every few minutes rather than leaving a slipping hazard during the pull.