Hint: a fantastic ice sculpture
I spotted this icy mess last winter. It’s tough to spot any specific Code violations, but I found this situation very interesting and thought it would make for a good topic. Section 410.10(A) requires luminaires in damp or wet locations to be installed so water cannot enter or accumulate inside. While this Section does not specifically address ice or icy locations, the Art. 100 definition of “weatherproof” means the equipment is constructed or protected so the weather will not interfere with its successful operation. The informational note there informs us that “rainproof, raintight or watertight equipment can fulfill the requirements for weatherproof equipment where varying weather conditions other than wetness, such as snow, ice, dust or temperature extremes are not a factor.” I would say using weatherproof equipment would be the best choice for luminaires, boxes, and other equipment exposed to icy conditions such as this. Installers should also ensure the equipment is securely mounted due to the added weight of the ice putting strain on the supporting means.