Hint: This installer should be grounded.
The green wire in this photo is a grounding electrode conductor (GEC) for the power service on a building. It connects to ground rods driven into the earth. Section 250.64(B) requires GECs 6 AWG and larger to be protected by rigid metal conduit (RMC), intermediate metal conduit (IMC), Schedule 80 PVC conduit, Type XW reinforced thermosetting resin conduit (RTRC-XW), EMT, or cable armor. Some sections of this cable are not protected at all and could easily be damaged by a person stepping on it or during snow removal activities such as shoveling or scraping. The galvanized steel RMC on the left is not bonded at each end to the GEC installed inside of it to create an electrically parallel path as required by Sec. 250.64(F)(1). The RMC on the right seems as if it was bonded correctly, however.