
Transformer Installation Safety, Part 2

March 21, 2017
Safety considerations when installing an overhead transformer.

Installing a small transformer overhead is more dangerous than it looks. Suppose you need to install a small transformer in a ceiling space. It weighs less than 100 lbs. What if you get on one ladder and Gary gets on another, and you carry it right on up there?

One rule of ladder safety is you don’t carry things up ladders. That alone tells you this isn’t safe. You’ve got a lot going on here, safety-wise. Both of you are climbing ladders and your relative angles will change as you ascend plus you may climb at different rates. A little wiggle here or adjustment there, and someone drops that transformer or wrenches his back trying not to.

And, of course, if you drop it there goes that fancy tile they just installed.

One safe approach is to determine the attachment points for a lifting rig and use that to securely hoist the transformer up to its position. Always use a mechanical, not manual, means of lifting anything heavy overhead.

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