WattStopper Wireless Receptacle Controls Series

Receptacle lighting controls

June 16, 2015
Extend occupancy-based lighting control to plug loads Offered in two versions 15A and 20A receptacles

The Wireless Receptacle Controls (WRC) Series extends occupancy-based lighting control to plug loads, helping users meet new ASHRAE 90.1 and California Title 24 requirements to switch off selected receptacles. The products facilitate Auto-On/Auto-Off occupancy-based control of plug loads and include an RF Transmitter and intelligent RF Receptacles. They come in two versions: for use with stand-alone occupancy sensors, or with the company’s Digital Lighting Management (DLM) platform. Features include 15A and 20A receptacles, NEMA-approved labeling, and override and testing capability. In addition, they work will all of the company’s 24VDC sensors and power packs.


For more information, visit the company website.

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