EC&M Tech Talk — Navigating Hazardous Locations in the NEC

Feb. 28, 2025
In this Tech Talk, Randy Barnett breaks down the topic of Hazardous (Classified) Locations found in the NEC.

In this EC&M Tech Talk, Randy Barnett, Program Manager at NTT Training, breaks down the topic of Hazardous (Classified) Locations found in the NEC. This video, “Navigating Hazardous Locations in the NEC” is covered in five major topic areas.

Section 1 – Understanding the Area Classification System. This is the Class and Division system found in the NEC.

Section 2 – The gases, vapors and dusts are divided into different “Material Groups.” Understanding these group classifications is necessary for installing equipment in these areas.

Section 3 – To meet the purpose of the NEC of protecting people and property, various methods of “Protection” must be employed,

Section 4 – “Equipment” utilized in these areas must meet specific design requirements. Interpreting the equipment labels for Class and Division, Material Groups, and Temperature Codes is covered.

Section 5 – The “Zone Classification System” is the European System for design and installation of electrical equipment in hazardous locations. This system first appeared in the NEC in 1996 and has since been expanded. Determining when equipment meeting European standards can be used to meet NEC requirements is needed as we continually see this equipment applied in the Area Classification System.

For the experienced worker this Tech Talk reviews information that is only occasionally used by most electricians. For those working in oil and gas production, building the modern gas station, or performing work in many manufacturing and industrial environments, meeting hazardous location requirements in the NEC is everyday work. And for those learning the trade this video explains hazardous locations and where to find the rules.

About the Author

Randy Barnett | CESCP

Randy Barnett is an NFPA Certified Electrical Safety Professional, a long-time journeyman electrician, instructor and author with expertise in industrial electrical construction and maintenance. He is Electrical Codes & Safety Manager for NTT Training. Because of his ability to develop and deliver quality programs, Randy has trained more than 10,000 students in all 50 states, including Canada, Singapore, Afghanistan, Dubai, Trinidad, and Saudi Arabi. His articles appear in numerous trade publications and, his book on "Commercial and Industrial Wiring" is used as an entry-level text in many electrician training programs. Randy also appears at various corporate and trade association speaking engagements and consults on training program design and implementation. Randy is a graduate of the U.S. Navy Nuclear Power School, served as a nuclear electrician in submarines and holds a B.S. in business.

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