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Aug. 23, 2019

Stefanie Kure

Content Producer - EC&M

Stefanie Kure is the senior associate editor of EC&M magazine. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Kansas and has more than 20 years of experience in the B2B magazine industry. In addition to EC&M, Stefanie has worked on Transmission & Distribution World magazine, Broadcast Engineering magazine, and Power Electronics Technology magazine.


2015 EC&M Product of the Year Platinum Award Winner Announced

Aug. 18, 2015
Modification to a standard cable-cutting tool leads to jaw-dropping success.

2014 EC&M Product of the Year Platinum Award Winner Announced

Aug. 18, 2014
Modification to a standard cable-cutting tool leads to jaw-dropping success.

Phipps Conservatory’s Center for Sustainable Landscapes Set to Make Living Building Challenge List

Dec. 18, 2012
Pennsylvania electrical contractor helps construct pioneering “living building.”