Tool Belt The Build-Your-Own-Bag system allows users to customize their own tool belt using several interchangeable components. The system is built upon a padded weight lifter belt made of heavy-duty nylon and outfitted with eight quick clips to add bags and accessories. Two types of bags are available for customization. The DS-970B bag consists of three inner compartments, four outer compartments,
Tool Belt
The Build-Your-Own-Bag system allows users to customize their own tool belt using several interchangeable components. The system is built upon a padded weight lifter belt made of heavy-duty nylon and outfitted with eight quick clips to add bags and accessories. Two types of bags are available for customization. The DS-970B bag consists of three inner compartments, four outer compartments, and three quick clips. The DS-911B bag contains four inner compartments, eight outer compartments, a “T” chain for tape rolls, and one quick clip. Users can also choose from a variety of accessories and pouches to further customize their belt like a hammer loop, tape clip, drill holster with bit pocket, and three sizes of pouches.