Cooper Wiring Devices’ Arrow Hart Line Celebrates 120 Years of Exceptional Performance
Peachtree City, Ga.-based Cooper Wiring Devices is pleased to announce the 120-year anniversary of its renowned Arrow Hart line of products, along with a completely updated Arrow Hart buyers' guide and website detailing commercial, industrial and institutional wiring device solutions.
“From the original invention of the snap switch for electric lamps in 1890, Arrow Hart’s roots are steeped in a culture of innovation, high performance and durability,” said Dave Pawl, president, Cooper Wiring Devices. “And, 120 years later, Arrow Hart is still recognized throughout the electrical industry for performance without compromise and innovative solutions for today’s toughest electrical problems.”
Contractors, specifiers, distributors, and purchasing agents will benefit from Cooper Wiring Devices’ comprehensive new Arrow Hart buyers' guide, featuring full product specifications, certifications, ordering information and dimensional charts. Each product description includes information on color ordering, testing and compliance and recommendations for common accessories, among many other details.
A convenient category identifier denotes NAFTA compliance, serving as an easy way to determine if a product might qualify for the buy-American provision of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. The ability to search and identify product need by applicable National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) offers added convenience.
All new Arrow Hart products launched in the past 18 months are also featured in the new buyers' guide. These include X-Switch, LynxPOWER, REPEL, Build-To-Spec, ArrowLink and ArrowLink SPD, and NAFTA GFCI. ArrowLink SPD and Build-to-Spec customized solutions are highlighted in each applicable section.
Updates to the Arrow Hart website include searchable products that link back to the new buyer’s guide. The option to download and browse sections of the buyer’s guide using an online viewer provides maximum ease of use.